Master Goldsmiths, Master Tharash Maker

Master Goldsmiths, Master Tharash Maker

نوع الوظيفة: Full Time
موقع العمل: qatar

A Premium Gifts Manufacturing Company Based in Qatar is Hiring for the following positions

  1. Master Goldsmiths- Extensive experience in engraving/bright cutting, designing and counter sketching, metal fabrication, polishing, wax carving and diamond paving and exotic gemstone setting.
    • Three (3) positions of Gold Smith
  2. Master Tharash Maker- Highly skilled and highly talented Tharash with vast experience in materials such as gold, aluminum, and silver. This role requires a combination of traditional metalworking techniques, creative design skills, and a keen eye for detail.
    • Two (2) positions of Thrash Maker
    Salary : Depend upon experience.
    • Muslim preferred only
    • Must have 3-4 years’ experience in the particular field
    • Age not exceed 30 years

Note: portfolios or work images of Candidates recent works should be submitted along with the CV.

تقدم لهذه الوظيفة

Allowed Type(s): .pdf, .doc, .docx


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